Alika Advisory, Training and Market Linkages in the Nuts Value Chain
ALIKA has strong Strategic partnerships and working relations with key agriculture sector stakeholders starting right from the national state department of Agriculture, Livestock, Cooperatives and Fisheries, Council of Governors Agriculture sector secretariat, a number of Counties (Baringo, Nakuru, Nandi, Bomet and Tharaka Nithi) and across a number of state agencies (KALRO, AFFA, KEBS and KEPHIS). On the private sector front, Alika has engaged with key industry leaders of farmer associations, Traders, Millers (CGA, KENAFF CMA, EAGC and EAFF) and in the Donor development sector; the company is conversant and has strong relationships with USAID East Africa related projects in the agriculture and trade sector e.g., USAID EAMS and USAID Policy Link Projects, UKaid (FCDO) e.g., Food Trade Africa Regional Project, AGRA, UN WFP, IFAD, and EU.